Free email signature generator
Create a professional email signature in minutes with our free online signature generator.
Create a professional email signature in minutes with our free online signature generator.
Nothing says professional when sending out a business email like a custom signature. We provide a straightforward way to create personalized email signatures. Here are the five steps to creating your own:
Step #1: The information tab allows you to enter all your business and contact information. Add your name, job title, business name, address, email address, phone number, and any disclaimers you want to include in your emails.
Step #2: The next tab allows you to customize the color, font, and font size of your signature.
Step #3: The third tab allows you to link the signature to 50 social sites. Simply choose the proper icon and add your social link.
Step #4: Add a personal photo and company logo from the fourth tab. You can customize the size directly from the editor.
Step #5: Finally, the call to action tab allows you to add a CTA button to your email signature.
Touchpoint offers three different layout options for the signature that you can preview in real-time.
Creating a professional email signature allows you to send out consistent emails to all of your clients and business contacts.
With extensive customization options, links to social media accounts, and call-to-action buttons, our free tool is the easiest solution for creating unique email signatures.
Tab between the different email providers after you generate your signature for step-by-step instructions. You can also copy and paste the signature or its source code and paste it directly into the email client.
Adding your new signature onto a mobile device is easy. All you have to do is highlight and copy your signature, go to the settings menu on your device and choose the mail option. Scroll down until you find the signature option, delete the signature that is already there and paste your newly created signature.
If your email signature doesn’t look like you expected it to, don’t worry. First, go through all of the tabs on our email signature generator tool and ensure that the information and settings are correct.
In most cases, upon careful examination, you will find that something has been entered incorrectly, and a quick fix is all that is needed.
When creating your email signature, keep these helpful tips in mind:
Keep it simple.
Choose one or two colors. Too many colors can be overwhelming.
Choose the correct font. Stick to 1-2 fonts and ensure they are readable on most devices.
Use the right picture. Your image should be clear, focused, and compressed.
Use white space. The proper use of space can help draw the eye towards your signature and make it easy and clear to read.
As a last resort, you can also copy your HTML email signature and paste it into your email provider.