Net promoter score (NPS) calculator

How likely is it that a customer would recommend your company to a friend or colleague? Find out your NPS score with our free online calculator.

How to use our NPS calculator

We understand the importance of calculating the NPS score to identify unhappy customers and measure customer success metrics. This free net promoter score calculator will give you all the data you need to see how likely your customers are to recommend your business to others.

Follow these four simple steps to obtain your NPS benchmarks:

  • Step #1 - Create a simple survey for all your customers. Here's an excellent example of NPS question: "On a scale of one to ten, how likely are you to recommend our business to a friend or colleague?" One represents completely unsatisfied and unlikely to recommend, and ten represents completely satisfied and highly likely to recommend your business to others.

  • Step #2 - Send the NPS survey out and wait for the results.

  • Step #3 - As soon as the results are in, tally up the scores and determine the total number of responses.

  • Step #4 - Enter the number of respondents who replied with each specific score into the NPS score calculator.

The NPS calculator will automatically determine what percentage of respondents were detractors, passives, or promoters and provide an NPS percentage representing the number of customers who would most likely recommend your business.

The net promoter system also displays your final NPS score based on the total number of responses, making it easy for you to validate results against your competitors.

Why you should use the NPS calculator

Calculating NPS is extremely important for the health of your business. It determines how loyal your customers are. If you receive a low NPS score, your clients will probably not stick with your business for a long time. This means you have to work harder to improve the customer experience.

Benefits of using our free NPS calculator

Aggregating your NPS scores allows you to uncover customer patterns and act on your data. Here's how:

  • Identify areas that need improvement in your business;

  • Resolve customer service issues;

  • Enhance the quality of goods and services offered;

  • Increase brand and customer loyalty levels;

  • Improve word of mouth;

  • Improve the quality of online reviews;

  • Increase referral rates.

Why we built this tool

We know how important it is to have a loyal customer base willing to recommend your company to others. Word of mouth is one of our most effective growth engines, and we pride ourselves on having an average NPS score of 60.

Our NPS calculator will help you calculate your net promoter score and give you the insight you need to meet the needs of all of your customers.

Frequently asked questions

What is the net promoter score, and why is it important?

Net promoter score is a metric used to determine how many customers are satisfied with their experience and would be willing to promote and recommend your business to others.

NPS is determined through customer satisfaction surveys. The results are calculated by subtracting the number of detractors from the number of promoters then dividing by the number of survey responses. The results are then multiplied by 100 to create a percentage.

How can I interpret my NPS score?

The NPS score is represented by a number that ranges from -100 to 100. The higher the value, the more likely customers will recommend your business. A negative score is indicative of negative customer experiences with your brand.

There are two main methods of calculating the net promoter score: absolute and relative. Our NPS tool can calculate both scores, but the results are benchmarked differently:

  • The absolute method will compare your NPS results against industry averages.

  • The relative method will compare your NPS results against companies in your industry.

How can I increase my Net Promoter Score?

There are many ways to increase your net promoter score, such as:

  • Asking for frequent feedback from customers and acting on it;

  • Test different customer experience surveys, including CSAT and CES surveys;

  • Working diligently to turn customers into advocates for your brand;

  • Increase customer service levels;

  • Increase product or service quality.

You can also take your business strategy to the next level by running CSATs (customer satisfaction score surveys) or CES (customer effort score surveys) reports.

What is a good Net Promoter Score?

NPS score averages vary among different industries and may fluctuate over time. Generally speaking, the higher the number, the better. The essential aspect of calculating NPS is to keep track of it and react quickly to any decline. We recommend constantly running NPS surveys to determine your average.

Please check out our guide for more information about what a good NPS score is and how you can improve it.

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